Tuesday, September 4, 2018

15 Foods Your Body Will Thank You for Eating

Every woman is looking for a perfect diet. There are many foods which you should consume daily to improve your health and beauty. Our body needs their nutrients to work correctly, and we must take care of eating them regularly. We at Daily Fat Losing team are going to give you a list of foods your body will be thankful for eating.

1. For Strong Bones and Teeth

–    Cheese

–    Collard greens

–    Orange juice

Calcium, magnesium and vitamin D are essential for our bone health. Our teeth and bones need calcium for their structure and development. Vitamin D promotes calcium absorption and bone mineralization. It also boosts the mood and improves cognitive performance. Magnesium is essential for many enzyme reactions, especially regarding cellular energy production, for the health of the brain and nervous system and also for healthy teeth and bones.

2. Food glowing skin

–    Parsley

–    Bell peppers

–    Chocolate

Every woman wants a perfect, glowing and smooth skin. For this, they need to consume food rich in antioxidants, vitamin E, vitamin A and vitamin C. They are needed for healthy skin. If you consume them regularly, then you will protect your skin from different damages and aging changes. You should also eat food which contains zinc to promote healing of wounds.


So it is time to try and lose weight. Great! There is still a lot you should know before you get started. Don’t worry, there is plenty of weight loss information here. The following tips and tricks will help you to stave off the pounds.

For a tasty meal that can help with weight loss, try replacing beef with mushrooms. Mushrooms can satisfy your hunger just as well as beef. Since mushrooms are much lower in calories than beef, you can use less beef and more mushrooms in an entree to make a low-calorie meal without sacrificing the quality of the entree.

The most successful weight loss plans include both diet and exercise. Eat healthy foods and exercise daily. While it is possible to lose weight using diet or exercise, using both of these helps you become more physically fit. Fitness and weight loss go hand-in-hand when you want a permanent weight-loss solution.

Ignoring your cravings is not the best idea. Junk foods like chips and ice cream taste so good. Dieters often find cravings for such items to be especially strong when trying to lose weight. Don’t give in to the urge to eat unhealthy foods, but don’t deny yourself completely either. Try eating a lower calorie alternative instead to satisfy the craving, Here you can visit our Official Website!

Don’t avoid fats if you want to lose weight. When starting a diet, many people make the mistake of deciding that fat equals weight gain. They try to completely remove it from their diets. Keep in mind, however, that there are good fats and bad fats. Your body needs good fats. Items like olives, nuts, and fish, are good sources of healthy fats.

6 Warning Signs That Show Your Liver is Full of Toxins

Do you know that liver is one of the vital organs in our bodies? It is the largest internal organ which is located on the upper right part of our abdomen, below the diaphragm. It has many essential functions, and some of them are making proteins and blood clotting factors, manufacturing triglycerides and cholesterol, glycogen synthesis and bile production.

There are numerous of disease which can affect the liver and lead to fatal endings. That is why we should protect this organ and improve its functions. We must eliminate the toxins from our bodies and prevent their harmful effects.

Here you have six warning signs which indicate that your life is full of toxins.

1. Allergies

When our liver feels that something is not right, it starts creating antibodies that attack the harmful compounds and make them go away. In cases when our liver is full of toxins it will not do his work properly, and it will leave the allergens to develop in the body. You will start feeling the allergy symptoms.

2. Chronic Fatigue

Doctors claim that chronic fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of liver toxicity. The toxins in our body disrupt muscle metabolism, produce aches and physical fatigue. So if you often feel tired without any cause, you should consult your doctor immediately and detoxify your body before it is too late.

3. Feeling Pain in the Liver Area

Natural Ways to Treat Crepey Skin

Crepey skin is a normal sign of aging. By the years our skin starts losing its elasticity and it gets a crinkly texture. This condition is also known as elephant skin or paper skin. It can really affect our self-esteem and self-confidence. That is why we are going to give you several natural remedies for crepey skin.

Crepey skin can occur anywhere, but some parts of our body are more likely to experience the crinkling than others. This kind of skin usually develops on the hands, neck, elbows, knees, around the eyes and mouth.

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Causes of crepey skin:

Sun exposure
Cigarette smoking
Drastic weight fluctuations
A diet high in sugar
Natural remedies to treat crepey skin:
1. Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera forms a protective layer on the skin and improves its tone. It will make your skin look younger and smoother. You should apply aloe vera gel directly on the skin and let it sit for 20 minutes. Then rinse it off. Do this every morning.

2. Lemon Juice 

The vitamin C in the lemon juice cleanses the skin and lightens every spot mark. It also makes our skin bright, soft and younger. Mix some lemon juice with one tablespoon of honey and apply the mixture on your skin. Leave it to stay for 30 minutes and then wash it off with warm water. Do this every night before you go to sleep.

3. Vaseline 

Vaseline nourishes the skin and makes it smoother. You should apply Vaseline on your skin and massage it for 10 minutes. Then wash it off. Do this every day for a perfect skin care.

4. Honey  

Using honey for your skin will make it smooth and soft again

Mix one tablespoon honey and one tablespoon glycerin and apply it on your skin. Leave it to stay for 15 minutes and then wash it off with warm water

5. Avocado Oil 

You need to apply avocado oil directly on your skin and massage it gently for 10 minutes. Leave it to stay for 30 minutes before you wash it away. Do this several times a day and you will notice that your skin is smoother and its elasticity is improved.

6. Homemade Rice Mack 

In a half cup of boiled rice add a spoon of warm milk. Add some honey and mix it well. On clean skin apply the mixture and leave it to stay for 30 minutes. After that wash it off with warm water.

7. Castor Oil 

Pour some castor oil in the palm of your hand and apply it on the affected areas. Massage gently and leave it to stay for one hour. Then rinse it off. Do this several times a day.z

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8 Tips For a Perfect Smile

“A smile is the prettiest thing someone can wear.”

We all dream about a perfect smile which will make us feel more confident. There are many products in a market which can whiten our teeth, and help us get a beautiful smile. But usually, they are expensive or provide some side effects. That is why our Team Go Fit Stay Fit is going to give you 8 tips which will improve your dental health and make you have the smile you always dreamed about.

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1. Tea Tree Oil

You should dilute 5 drops of 100% tea tree oil in half a glass of water and leave it to stay for several minutes. Then use the solution to rinse your mouth with it. Do this every morning after brushing your teeth. The results will be surprising.

2. Strawberries paste

For this paste, you need to mash 3 strawberries into your paste and then apply it on your teeth. Leave it to stay for 5 minutes and then wash your teeth. Repeat this every day, and you will have the perfect smile again.

3. Coconut oil

Coconut oil provides numerous of benefits for our teeth. It helps us weighted the teeth, fight caries and protect the teeth from damages. We just need to apply some coconut oil on the teeth before brushing them and leave it to stay for 20 minutes. Then clean the teeth with our favorite toothpaste.  Repeat this several times a week.

5 Types of Tummies and How to Get Rid of Each of Them

Many of us have a big tummy which seriously affects our self-confidence and self-esteem. We try different diets and exercise, and sometimes we lose a lot of pounds, but not the ugly tummy. Our abdomen in some cases increases as a result of a general increase in body weight, but sometimes as a result of eating some foods, or hormonal imbalance.

If you want to remove your tummy forever than you need to determine the cause of it and neutralize it.

There are 5 common types of tummies:

1. Alcohol belly

We all know that drinking a lot of alcohol provides gaining weight. People who drink beer or some other alcohol drink regularly are prone to develop big tummies. It is confirmed that alcoholic drinks are high in calories and they also disturb the digestion in our bodies. To deal with this problem first at all you should stop drinking alcohol forever.

2. Mommy belly

In the pregnancy, our bodies change, and we gain a lot of excess fat. After giving birth to a child, the belly is still consistent. If you want to lose to lose it, you should start exercising as soon as you can. Only a regular workout, proper diet, and massages can help you lose your tummy.

3. Stressed-Out Belly

People who don’t have a proper sleep are more prone to obesity than others. It is confirmed that stress and poor sleeping affect our bodies and lead to appearing of fat in our stomach. It is recommended sleeping at least 8 hours a day. To relieve the stress, you need to start doing some yoga or meditation.

5 Types of Body Fat and How to Get Rid of It

Many people suffer from obesity. Nowadays every second person has extra body fat. The bad lifestyle and habits are one of the main factors which lead to obesity. Of course, it not only affects the appearance but also harms the health. As we know, it can be the leading cause of numerous diseases such as diabetes, heart attack, stroke, osteoarthritis and etc. Losing the extra fat can be a really difficult process with needs a lot of exercises and a proper diet.

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There is a classification of body fat at five types. Here we are going to present them and show you how to get rid of them.

1. Full Upper Body Fat


– This type of body fat usually appears because of overeating and inactivity.

How to get rid of it:

– You should start aerobic exercise such as running, swimming, riding a bike, etc. You must do them at least 30 minutes a day

– You must avoid sweets, fast food, soda, and alcohol. Drink plenty of water and consume more fruits and vegetables.

2. Lower Abdomen Fat


People who suffer from stress and depression are more likely to get this type of fat.

How to get rid of it:

– If you have lower abdominal fat, you should try to reduce the stress in your life and relax your body. It is recommended to practice yoga and meditate. Also, a proper sleep (at least 8h a day) will help you lose the extra weight.

Home Remedies Which Can Help You Get Relief from Knee Pain

Nowadays numerous of people complain of knee pain. It is a really common condition which may be a result of some injury, such as a ruptured ligament or torn cartilage. In some cases, knee pain is caused by medical conditions like arthritis, gout or infections.

Symptoms of knee pain include:
Popping or crunching noises
Inability to fully straighten the knee
There are many natural remedies which can help you relieve the knee pain and improve the mobility. In this article, you can find the best one which will provide instant results.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is extremely helpful in relieving pain and swellings. You should mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in two cups of water. Drink this solution through the day and you will feel better. You can also add apple cider vinegar to your bath and soak your leg in it for 20 minutes.

2. Cayenne Pepper

It is confirmed that capsaicin the active compound of cayenne pepper has analgesic properties. So if you want to treat the knee pain you need to add two tablespoons of cayenne pepper powder in half a cup of warm olive oil and apply the mixture to the affected areas. Do this twice a day till the pain is gone.

3. Ginger

As we know ginger contains anti-inflammatory compounds which can help us reduce the knee pain and swelling.

8 Things Men Find Attractive in Women

Things Men Find Attractive in Women

Sometimes for us women, it is hard to find what men want. They know to be complicated, and we just don’t understand them. Many women claim that all men are the same, but of course, that is not true. It is confirmed that in some cases men can act the same but every individual is different in many aspects. In this article, we are going to present you10 things ever man find attractive in women. So if you want to impress your lover, you should know them.

1. Calmness

No one wants neurotic and impulsive women. If you are full of calmness and piece, then you can be ideal woman for every man. But in case you are not then you should find a way to control your attitude. Try practicing yoga or meditation. You should first work on yourself, and then you can seduce the man you love.

2. Intelligence

Many women think that men are only attracted by physical beauty. But it is not true. There are numerous of men who want clever and intelligent women. Your beauty may attract the man’s look but if you want him to stay in your life then only your intelligence can help you.

3. Honesty

Honesty is extremely important for a good relationship. If you want to keep your man remember to be always honest. Trust him and show him that you believe in your love. You will see how it will make your relationship better.

4. Caring

Every man wants you to show that you care about him. Support him and talk to him about his problems. He will be happy to hear your opinions. A caring woman is a dream of every man.

5. Sense of humor

The 28-Day Shrink Your Stomach Challenge

Do you want to lose your extra weight? Are you ready for an amazing challenge? If your answer is yes then this is an ideal article for you. Our team Go Fit Stay Fit is going to present you one of the most efficient challenges which helped a million people to lose their extra weight and shrink their stomach.

This challenge is consist of 28-day diet plan. It will help you boost your metabolism, improve your digestion, and reduce bloated stomach. Here you have the list of things you should consume during this period.


– A slice of avocado toast, an omelet with greens, a cup of green tea

– Oatmeal with milk, a cup of blueberry and one apple

– Banana pineapple smoothie, two boiled eggs

– Two slices of wheat toast with ham and cheese and glass of orange juice


– A cup of boiled baby carrots and a veggie soup

– Cup of chopped pineapples and kiwi, chicken breasts

– Cup of blueberry and broccoli salad with grilled salmon

– Grilled mushrooms and broccoli


– Brown rice, chicken breast and veggie salad with tomatoes

– Quinoa, grilled salmon and a cup of broccoli

– Soba noodles, turkey steak and a cup of chopped cucumber

21 Days Walking Challenge

“Walking is a man’s best medicine.”

Nowadays, when numerous of people suffer from different health issues such as obesity, hypertension and heart disorders, walking is extremely important for maintaining our health.

Physical activity can protect us from developing different diseases and can improve our overall wellness. If you consult your doctor, he is going to tell you the same; he is going to recommend you minimum 30 minutes waking a day. You can, of course, go to gym, swim, ride a bike or run, but walking is the easiest and cheapest exercise for your body.

Start your day with half an hour walking, and you will see the changes which will happen in your body. You will be really satisfied. We named this challenge November 21 day challenge. Start it by tomorrow. Begin with waking for 30 minutes and after two weeks increase the time to 60 minutes. The challenge should last 21 days without a pause. When you finish it, you can rest for one week, and then if you want to continue the challenge another 21 days.

How to Walk Correctly? (1)
Your head is up
You are looking forward
Your neck, shoulders, and back are relaxed
You are swinging your arms freely with a slight bend in your elbows
Your stomach muscles are slightly tightened, and your back straight
You should walk smoothly, rolling your foot from heel to toe.
Walking provides numerous benefits for our body. Every one of us should find time to do it daily and improve health.

Here you have some of the most important benefits: (2)
Improves our heart health
Boosts our mood
Relive arthritis pain
Burns calories
Improves mental attitude
Regulate blood pressure
Provides weight loss
Reduce stress
Improves balance and coordination

6 Egg Masks Which Can Help You Prevent Hair Loss

Are you suffering from hair loss? You try many products from the market, but they just don’t help you renew your hair. What if I tell you that you have the remedy in your kitchen? I know that it may sound unbelievable, but I’m talking from my own experience. I had the same problem as you for many years, and I tried everything to strengthen my hair and prevent hair loss. One day I heard for eggs hair mask, and I decided to prepare it. After several weeks of use, I noticed the results. My hair was normal again. The hair loss was stopped, and my hair was stronger and shinier than ever. That is the main reason why I am going to give you several recipes for egg masks which will help you solve your problem forever.

1. Strengthening your hair

As we know eggs are packed with numerous of vitamins and proteins which are essential for our hair health.

To prepare an egg mask, you will need two eggs. Whisk the eggs and then rub them into your scalp and hair. Let the mask stay for 30 minutes and then rinse it off. Do this twice a week.

2.Hair growth

It is proven that eggs stimulate the hair to grow.

You need to mix one egg and one tablespoon of olive oil. Then apply the mixture on your hair and let it stay for 20 minutes. Finally wash it away with your favorite shampoo. Repeat this three times a week for a period of one month.

3. Shinier hair

Mix 2 egg whites, 2 tablespoons lemon juice and 1 tablespoon honey. Then wash your hair and apply the mask to your hair gently massaging the scalp. Leave it to stay for 30 minutes and then rinse it off. Do this once a week.

4. Prevent hair loss

Whisk one egg yolk in a bowl and add 2 tablespoons of green tea. Mix it well till you get a smooth paste. Then apply the mask on your scalp and hair with a brush. Let it stay for one hour and then wash it with a mild shampoo. You should do this twice a week if you want to see the results.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Coconut Oil Can Make You Look Younger

Do you want to make your skin look younger? Markets and pharmacies are full of creams and products for skin care. Unfortunately, many of them contain harmful chemicals which damage the skin. That is the main reason why I’m recommending you natural ways to deal the aging process. Have you ever heard about the benefits of coconut oil for the skin?  It is rich in essential nutrients for our body, and it provides many benefits for our health. People around the world use it for improving their health and beauty.

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Experts recommend using coconut oil for making your skin more elastic, preventing wrinkles and making you look younger. Coconut oil contains antioxidant vitamin E, which is known to protect the skin cells from damage and delay the occurrence of wrinkles. This vitamin has antiviral and antifungal properties; it soothes eczema, sunburn, and psoriasis.

Some of the amazing coconut oil benefits for the skin:

1. Makes the skin softer

You can use it as a natural exfoliant. It will help you remove the dead skin from your body, reduce the inflammations and irritations, unblock the pores and make your skin soft and smooth. With a cotton ball apply coconut oil on your skin and rub it for several minutes. Then leave it to stay for 10 minutes and wash it ways with warm water. Repeat this several times a week.

2. Anti-Aging Cream

As we said, it is an excellent natural remedy for reducing the aging processes. To prevent wrinkles and make your skin fresher and more elastic you should apply coconut oil with your hands on the affected areas and massage it for 10 minutes. Then let it stay for 20 minutes and wash it with cold water.

3. Coconut oil as a hand cream

It is excellent for dry and damaged hands. Rub coconut oil over hands and cover with gloves. Do this several time a day, and your hands are going to be softer than ever. It is one of the best creams for your hands; you can put it in some small box and use it when you are out of the home, at work, school, etc.

4. Can be used as a shaving cream

Using shaving creams may have many side effects such as irritating the skin and accelerating the aging of the skin. So it is recommended to use coconut oil as a natural shaving cream. Apply it on your armpit or the intimate parts of your body and then shave the areas. This cream will hydrate your skin and make it soft.

5. Coconut oil for your hair

You should use coconut oil to repair damaged hair and prevent hair loss. It is rich in lauric acid which provides many benefits for our hair. Mix some coconut oil with lime water and apply it on your hair. Leave it to stay for 30 minutes and then wash it off. Your hair will be stronger and shinier than ever.

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8 Foods That Can Help You Fight Stress

Nowadays we live in a world full of stress and worries. There are millions of problem which don’t let us relax and calm our bodies. But we all must know that stress is one of the major factors for numerous health disorders and diseases. It is not easy but we must find a way to reduce the stress and full our mind with positive thoughts. Experts recommend practicing yoga and meditation to fighting this problem. Our team Go Fit Stay Fit is going to give you a list of foods which are confirmed to reduce the stress. Add them to your daily diet and you will see how they will improve your condition.


1. Avocado

It is known that avocados contain high amounts of vitamin K and folate which help us prevent blood clots in the brain and improve the cognitive functions. They are also rich in vitamin C and vitamin B which are essential for our body. Consuming avocado on a daily basis will help us improve our mood and get rid of stress.

2. Bananas

We all know that bananas are an excellent source of magnesium, potassium, and calcium. These minerals help our body to relax and improve our sleep. If you have problems with insomnia, try to eat a banana before you go in bad and you will see the results. Also, you should start your day with one banana and in this way, you will improve your mood and reduce the stress.

These 5 Exercises Women Over 40 Should Do Every Week

When women get older, their bodies go through many changes. They need to take more care of their health than earlier. The menopause makes women get more weight and make them prone to numerous diseases. That is why this period is extremely important. If you are over 40, you must know that healthy diet and regular exercises may help you go through this period without difficultness. Our team Go Fit Stay Fit is going to give you a workout plan which you should do every week, and it will help you lose the extra weight and make your body stronger and healthier.

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Here are the exercises you should follow on a weekly basis:

1. Burpees

Start with a standing position. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart. Then lower your body into a squatting position, placing your hands on the floor in front of you. Get your feet back and lower your chest to do a push-up. Bring your chest back up. With feet in the starting position, stand up and then jump into the air while clapping your arms overhead.

2. Squats

Start with your feet shoulder-width apart, and your chest held up and out. Extend your hands straight out in front of you. Then sit back and down like you’re sitting on a chair. Lower down, so your thighs are parallel to the floor, with your knees over your ankles. Hold this position for few seconds and bring yourself back to the starting position. Repeat it 20 times.

3. Lunges

Start the exercises standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands on your hips. Then step forward with one leg and flex your knees until your rear knee nearly touches the floor. After that, bring your body back. Switch legs and Repeat it 20 times.

Kiwi Diet Can help You Lose Up to 3 Pounds in a Week

Do you eat kiwi and do you know the health benefits they provide? They are one of the healthiest fruits in the world.

They are rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin B6, calcium, iron and omega 3 fatty acids. Kiwi is a natural immune booster, it improves our cardiovascular functions, improves our brain functions, stimulates our digestion, boosts our metabolism and fights free radicals. Consuming them daily will significantly boost our wellbeing and health.

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Our team Go Fit Stay Fit is going to present you a Kiwi diet which will help you lose your extra pounds and get the body you always wanted after only one month.

Here you have a weekly kiwi diet plan:

Day 1

Breakfast: a cup of cottage cheese with chopped kiwi

Snack: a cup of kiwi

Lunch: spaghetti with kiwi

Dinner: fruit salad

Day 2

Breakfast: green smoothie with spinach and kiwi

Snack: a cup of kiwi

Lunch: a sandwich with salmon and kiwi

Dinner: 2 boiled eggs and veggies

Day 3

Breakfast: fruit salad and a glass of orange juice

Snack: a cup of kiwi

Sunday, September 2, 2018

30 - Day Abs Challenge Can Help You Slim Down The Belly

Many of us are not satisfied by our bodies. We just don’t like the extra fat in our belly. We try different diets and exercise to reduce it, but sometimes it seems impossible. It seriously affects our self-confidence and our self-esteem.

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In this article, I’m going to present you a 30-day abs challenge which helped my fight the abdominal fat and finally slim down my belly and get the body I always dreamed about. Now after severing mounts after regular exercises, I can say that I’m proud of my body. That is why I want to help people who suffer from the same problem as I did.

I know that it may seem unbelievable, but this workout plan works. Of course, during this period you should also regulate your diet and avoid the bad life habits.

Here you have a list of exercises you should follow on a daily basis:

1. Basic Crunches

You should lie on your back with the knees bent and feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart. Then place your hands behind your head. Gently pull your abdominals inward. Curl up and forward so that your head, neck, and shoulder blades lift off the floor. Hold the position for few seconds and slowly back down. Repeat it ten times.

2. Corkscrew

Start lying on your back with hands under your head. Then you should lift your legs in the air. Straighten the legs out, tilt your feet back, so the bottom of your feet is facing up, and touch your heels together. After that, you need to rotate your feet to the right in a small circle. Make a pause and then repeat the exercise.

6 Effective Detox Water Recipes for Weight Loss

“Pure water is the world’s first and foremost medicine.”

As we know, water is essential for our bodies, but if we consume it in huge amounts it can also help us fight different health conditions, improve our wellness and also lose the extra weight. It is confirmed than water mixed with some herbs and fruits provides numerous of benefits. This water is also known as detox water.

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Our team Go Fit Stay Fit in this article is going to present you several recipes for detox water which will do miracles for your health.

1. Apple Cinnamon Deter Water

Ingredients you will need:

1 apple
1 tablespoon cinnamon
1 glass water

In a glass of water add several slices of apple and one tablespoon of cinnamon. Mix it well and place it in a fridge to overnight. Drink it the next morning on an empty stomach.

2. Watermelon and Strawberry Mint Detox Water


4 cups watermelon

½ pint strawberries, sliced in half
6 springs mint
1 glass warm water

In warm water add the watermelon slices, strawberries, and mint. Then let the drink stay in a fridge for several hours. Drink it few times a day.

8 Foods That Will Take Delicate Care of Your Liver

Do you know that the liver is one of the vital organs in your body? It is located in the upper right-hand portion of the abdominal cavity, beneath the diaphragm, and on top of the stomach, right kidney and intestines.

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The liver has more than 500 vital functions, and some of them are:

–    Production of bile

–    Production of certain proteins for blood plasma

–    Regulating blood clotting

–    Clearing the blood of drugs and other poisonous substance

–    Production of cholesterol

–    Conversion of excess glucose into glycogen for storage

–    Regulation of blood levels of amino acids

–    Processing of hemoglobin for the use of its iron content

–    Conversion of poisonous ammonia to urea

Our team Go Fit Stay Fit is going to give you a list of foods which take delicate care of your liver.

1. Grapefruit

Grapefruit is rich in glutathione and vitamin C, the latter of which is produced by the liver to aid in the rehabilitation of tissue, in the production of chemicals and proteins.

A Thyroid Juice For Women With Inflammation or Hormone Imbalance Which Can Help Them Improve Their Health

Do you know that thyroid gland is one of the vital glands in your body? It is a butterfly-shaped organ located at the base of our neck. Her function is to release hormones which control our metabolism. It is confirmed that thyroid gland regulates the breathing, heart rate, body weight, menstrual cycles, body temperature, muscle strength, cholesterol levels and much more.

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The most important hormones of the thyroid gland are triiodothyronine and thyroxine. When this gland produces too many hormones, we talk about hyperthyroidism, while reduced levels of thyroid hormones are known as hypothyroidism.

Symptoms of hyperthyroidism:

Hair loss
Hand trembling
Symptoms of hypothyroidism:
Sensitivity to cold temperature
Joint and muscle pain
Dry skin
Difficulty concentrating

These conditions can be really serious if you don’t treat them.

Here in this article, we are going to give you a natural remedy which will help you reduce thyroid inflammation, regulate the hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism and also improve your overall health.

Ingredients you will need for preparing the remedy: