Sunday, September 2, 2018

You Can Lose Up To 6 Pounds in 14 Days With This Cucumber Diet

Do you know the health benefits cucumbers provide? Cucumbers are 95% water, and they are rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, iron, and calcium. It is proven that cucumbers are a good source of phytonutrients such as flavonoids, lignans, and triterpenes, which have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. (1)

If you consume cucumbers regularly, they will improve your health and also help you lose your extra weight. Cucumbers boost our metabolism, stimulate our digestion, hydrate our body and make us feel full for a long period.

In this article, we are going to present you a cucumber diet which can help you lose up to 6 pounds in only 14 days.

Here is a weekly meal plan you should follow: (2)

Day 1

Breakfast: Omelet. Cucumber salad with cabbage and tomatoes and a cup of green tea

Snack: One apple and a glass of orange juice

Lunch: Grilled lean meat with two fresh cucumbers

Snack: Cucumber salad with greens and a cup of green tea

Dinner: Two fresh cucumbers

Day 2

Breakfast: scrambled eggs with one cucumber and a glass of apple juice

Snack: A handful of almonds and a glass of orange juice

Lunch: Cottage cheese with two cucumbers

Snack: A cup of green tea

Dinner: Baked salmon and one fresh cucumber

Day 3

Breakfast: Cucumber and spinach smoothie

Snack: One banana

Lunch: Chicken salad with cucumbers

Snack: A cup of broccoli and a cup of green tea

Dinner: Tomato soup and two fresh cucumbers

Day 4

Breakfast: Oatmeal with soy milk and two fresh cucumbers

Snack: A glass of orange juice

Lunch: Cucumber salad with baked sweet potatoes

Snack: A cup of green tea

Dinner: Cucumber salad with baby carrots

Day 5

Breakfast: Two boiled eggs, one tomato, and two cucumbers

Snack: One grapefruit and a cup of green tea

Lunch: Grilled salmon with asparagus and cucumber

Snack: Green smoothie with cucumber and spinach

Dinner: Chicken salad with cucumbers

Day 6

Breakfast: A slice of whole grain toast with feta cheese and cucumbers

Snack: One apple and a cup of green tea

Lunch: Turkey steak and two cucumbers

Snack: 2 boiled eggs and a cup of green tea

Dinner: Tuna salad with cucumbers

Day 7

Breakfast: Omelet with cheese and cucumber salad

Snack: A cup of berries and a cup of green tea

Lunch: Chicken breasts with 2 cucumbers

Snack: One apple and a glass of lemon juice

Dinner: Brown rice with two cucumbers

Follow this diet for several weeks, and the results will be unbelievable. You will lose your extra pounds, boost your health and improve your wellness. Don’t think twice start it from today.

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