Sunday, September 2, 2018

5-Day Medical Diet That Can Make You Lose Some Weight

Many people want to lose weight, and they try different diets and exercises. But very often to get a perfect body, they forget about their health. If you are one of them, then we are going to help you by presenting you a medical diet which besides making you lose pounds also improves your health and wellness. This an ideal diet plan which helped numerous of people around the world.

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Here you have a 5-day meal plan:

Day 1

Breakfast: Two slices of wheat toast with peanut butter and a cup of green tea

Snack: A handful of almonds

Lunch: Fruit salad and a glass of Greek yogurt

Snack: A protein bar

Dinner: Spinach salad with tomatoes and cucumber

Day 2

Breakfast: A slice of wheat toast with feta cheese and one cup of tea

Snack: One apple

Lunch: 2 boiled eggs and a glass of Greek yogurt

Snack: One glass of orange juice

Dinner: Baked turkey steak with veggie salad, one slice of wheat toast and a cup of green tea

Day 3

Breakfast: A slice of whole grain toast, a cup of berries and a cup of coffee

Snack: One orange

Lunch: Tuna salad and one boiled egg

Snack: Baby carrots

Dinner: Baked chicken steak, one slice wheat toast, veggie salad and a cup of green tea

Day 4

Breakfast: 2 slices of wheat toast with cream cheese, one apple and a cup of green tea

Snack: A handful of almonds

Lunch: Cottage cheese, a slice of wheat toast and steamed veggies

Dinner: Baked chicken breasts, a slice of wheat toast, veggie salad and a cup of green tea

Day 5

Breakfast: A slice of wheat toast, a glass of Greek yogurt and one banana

Snack: One apple

Lunch: Grilled salmon with asparagus and tomatoes, and one cup of green tea

Snack: A glass of lemon juice

Dinner: Veggie salad, two boiled eggs and a cup of green tea

Rules you should follow this diet:

– Drink plenty of water

– Avoid alcohol, soda, and coffee

– Start every day with a cup of green tea

– Have a proper sleep

– Have your meals at the same time every day

– Never skip a meal

-Exercises at least 30 minutes a day

– Try to reduce stress

– Consult your doctor before you start this diet

After these 5 days make 2-day pause and then continue the diet another 5 days. Follow this plan until you get the wanted results.

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