Saturday, September 1, 2018

A 5-Day 1500-Calorie Diet Meal Plan That Can Help Reduce Some Pounds

A 5-Day 1500-Calorie Diet Meal Plan That Can Help Reduce Some Pounds

Nowadays millions of people have problems with overweight. Losing the extra pounds can be a really difficult process. It needs a proper diet and exhausting workouts. Many of us just give up our dream for a perfect body and continue the bad lifestyle. Sometimes it sounds unbelievable to reduce the pounds with easy diets. But it can happen. You just need to find the right diet plan for you and be consistent. The results will be noticeable after only several mounts. Here we are going to give you a 5- day 1500 calorie diet meal plan which can help you lose the extra weight. Numerous of people are satisfied with the results and recommend it to us. You don’t have anything to lose besides your weight. So don’t think twice start it from today.

Here is the meal plan you should follow until you get the result you want:

Day 1

Breakfast: Banana smoothie, one apple, a slice of whole wheat bread with ricotta, fig and honey.

Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, green salad and a cup of green tea

Snack: A glass of orange juice

Dinner: Quinoa with broccoli, carrots, and tofu

Day 2

Breakfast: Egg sandwich with tomatoes and cheese

Lunch: Chicken soup and veggie salad

Snack: A cup of green tea

Dinner: Taco with vinaigrette and lettuce

Day 3

Breakfast: Oatmeal with soy milk and berries

Lunch: Tuna salad with greens and a glass of orange juice

Snack: One apple

Dinner: Chicken with veggies

Day 4

Breakfast: Bagels with cheese and salmon

Lunch: Veggie salad and tomato soup

Snack: A cup of green tea and one apple

Dinner: Chicken with brown rice and a glass of orange juice.

Day 5

Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, tomato, cucumber and a glass of Greek yogurt

Lunch: Veggie quesadilla with chicken soup and a cup of green tea

Snack: One apple and one orange

Dinner: Polenta with beans, avocado, and mushrooms

Rules you should follow this diet plan:

– Drink plenty of water

– Avoid alcohol, soda, and coffee

– Start every day with a cup of green tea

– Have a proper sleep

– Have your meals at the same time every day

– Never skip a meal

-Exercises at least 30 minutes a day

– Try to reduce stress

– Consult your doctor before you start this diet

After 5 days make 2 days pause and then continue the diet plan. During the pause, you should consume whatever you want. The first results will be noticeable after only several weeks. Follow this diet plan until you get the results you want.

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